Saturday, May 31, 2014

Struggles and Failure; The Real Tools for Success?

     I am thankful that through all of my struggles, disappointments, sacrifices and failures that I have never lost my dreams and enthusiasm about life. I cant not honestly say that it has not been hard to find at times but I have never lost it completely. What is being written is not meant to be condescending in any way. My spirit in writing this really is one of great humility. It is my effort to just ask you to look back at the point in your life were you lost your dreams, a sort of mentally retracing your steps and finding what you lost and then continuing on with your life from that point.

     All life has to have its root in some form of force or power to keep living. Plants have a simple way of doing this they send their roots into the ground to draw nutrients and water from the earth and then they send a shoot up to nurture from the light of the sun. Then you and me benefit from the power of life that comes from these plants, whether its through the making of fresh oxygen or the food that they produce. But, we are not plants in that sense we are more complex. If you were to bury your feet into the ground and try and draw up water and nutrients while standing in the sun after a while you would die if you were not placed in a mental institution first. My point is that human life must be connected to a different source. 

       The word enthusiasm according to comes from "Late Latin enthÅ«siasmus,  from Greek enthousiasmos,  from enthousiazein  to be possessed by a god, from entheos  inspired, from en- ² + theos  god]. Now think for a moment, you are the most intelligent of all creation no creature on earth has dominated the planet like man. We are the Earth's caretaker and destroyer at the same time we have that kind of juice, if you will. But the question is, how are we connected for the source of our power. Everything in existence came from the human mind either at its highest stage or low stage of development. Right now let's just look at the lower levels. Take for instance your shoes, they were someones idea, or the car you drive, it came out of someones mind. If you are reading this blog on a cell phone or PC your are looking at the physical form of what used to be just a thought. And it all is a demonstration of the "god" like ability of the human mind. What ever we think, we can make a reality.

     Hopelessness comes from the same place as hope it is just a matter of how we shape our minds. I am not in anyways attempting to dismiss any of the real life experiences that have caused us to think or act a certain way. My hope is to allow us to see that what has happened to us does not define us. Instead what will define us is what comes out of us. 

     When I was extremely ill I had to learn how to respond to people, when they ask how are you? By saying "My spirit is good" or "I am recovering" or "I am healing" not "I am sick" or "I don't feel good" this was not easy to do but it took practice I could never allow my mind to accept the illness that was. Why should I when my "mind" wasn't sick in the first place.

     Never confuse what is happening to you with who you really are. You are not a rape victim, your are not poor, you are not that little child that was molested, you are not a drop out, these are circumstances that we may find ourselves in but they are not who we are. 

    You must be possessed of a different spirit. The one that beat out billions of sperms coming into a hostile environment came through nine months of pregnancy, survived hours of pain through the birthing process and came into the world as a new life living and breathing on your own. That was the God Power in you. Life is not an easy process it is a challenge, so we need our dreams and hopes and aspirations to drive us or die a slow death. We sleep longer and later cause we don't have anything to wake up to. We get lost in drugs and alcohol and sex cause we need an escape to relieve us from the stress of a life without purpose, but then we find our lifestyle causes us more pain. Why because you cannot run from struggle, we must overcome it or we stay in constant pain. 

     Please find your dreams and if the old ones don't fit make new ones, use them to help you find you. You are the best of creation so you must push through this painful struggle of life. The pain is necessary for us to become new and better. Don't you want to see you after the pain?