Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Blood Creates New Life

    I hear many people say these words "I need a change in my life" Including myself. The question is How can you began a new life without new blood? What is blood? In a nutshell, Blood is the river of life and the way that  all cells of our body get both nutrients and oxygen. So it is safe to say blood is the fuel of life. Now think of this blood on a higher level, imagine your thoughts and ideas as the river of life for your current situation. This includes everything you have ever learned and believed and ultimately what we have done based on these ideas. Our lives have become the direct result of our thinking.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results.

   When we want a change in our lives it means that we have to CHANGE OUR LIVES. So to change our lives we will have to change our thoughts. This becomes the hard part, because it involves every relationship we have ever had and the change of that relationship based on the new direction we want to go. Imagine a drug addict wanting to kick their addiction but attempting to do so while still hanging out with other drug addicts in the dope house. We would not expect that person to be successful unless they left that environment and found sober individuals in a sober environment.

What are you feeding your mind with? What kind of people are you interacting with? What is the bases of your relationships past and present? Your answers to these questions will give you a window into your future. Doctors don't go to school with mechanics and intern at body shops and vice versa. If you want to be a doctor then you must go to medical school and intern at a hospital. I do not intend to over simplify what I am writing, but instead to make the reader consider the path we should take for the change we are wanting to achieve.

Every step towards change is difficult there is now easy route. Those around us will misunderstand and judge us based on their misunderstanding of us. But this is the necessary pain of change. No new life comes into the world without pain. Any mother knows the pain of labor and when we are trying to change to a new life it is like giving birth and the pain is the same, the child goes through pain being born the same as the new idea itself has its own pain tied to it. Even the old you dying goes through pain. These are three stages of change we experience when we want a "New Life" all fueled by a new idea, that intern produces a new thought then a total change. Do you accept the challenge?

Just remember we have to Push on through Struggle.

Brother Tremikus

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Best in You...

    I was having a conversation the other day with a friend concerning how we see people when she said to me "Tremikus I know you see the best in everybody, but me, I see the real person."  But I must disagree with her and this is why.

    I don not believe that the "worst" in a person is necessarily the real person.There is a popular song by gospel artist Marvin Sapp which contains these words:

"He saw the best in me, when everyone else around saw the worst in me..."

What is the best in you?

    It is what you do uniquely, it is what you do better than anyone else, it is what you were born in the world to do that leads to your purpose. Many of us are confused on the question of our purpose and some even die having never fulfilled it, not knowing we are guided to it through trial and error, mistakes, pains, lessons, and experience. These are not always negative circumstances instead they can and should be seen as positives because they lead us to our purpose.

    We can not know or judge the real person without knowing the REAL history of the ones we judge. Everyone one of us has experienced things in our lives that have changed our outlook forever,but what me not realize is that what has happened to us is not who we are. It sometimes covers who we really are

    For example when we go to the circus we see lions in a cage with the ringmaster. The ringmaster has a chair and a whip and he is commanding the lion to perform tricks. The lion is jumping through hoops, standing on his hind legs holding up a ball some lions even allow the ringmaster to put his head in their mouth and we watch in amazement. Why? Because we know this is not the real lion we are watching. Something has happened to this lion to make him this way. But every so often we hear a news story about one of these lions attacking and killing their trainers. That's the real lion and he is the best at what he does.

1.a. Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness.b. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghost
And also
2. Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility.

    We all need someone around that sees the best in us and encourages that part of us. Who cares about the worst part of you except the negative and weak minded ones? They are like the circus ringmasters of our lives; holding us captive in their little cage, making us perform tricks to amuse them. Until we bite them, they remain in our lives. We have to remove them and then surround ourselves with the ones who will care for and nurture and grow the best in us.

And if all else fails and everyone else around you only sees the worst in you then you must believe in yourself and see the best in you.You will win  as long as you keep pushing through the struggle.

Brother Tremikus

Saturday, December 14, 2013

No Pain=No Growth

    If we are honest all of us will admit that some of the hardest things for us to do in life involve continuing to push through pain, disappointment, and hardship, though these are common elements in all of our lives. At no time in the past can we find any demonstration of gain  that did not involve pain of some sort. As a student of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the guidance of Minister Louis Farrakhan I have been taught that struggle is ordained. Now does this then mean that this is a divine principle, if so then life and struggle are not enemies but companions, like two twins.

    All of us have heard the saying "No Pain, No Gain. The question then is how do we gain through pain. When we place strain on our muscles through resistance training we injure the muscles, once that happens, then your muscles starts to repair  themselves and in this process they become larger, stronger,and even better able to resist the stress and strain that the body was just under. No pain, No gain.

    If this happens with the body then what happens to the mind when it comes under stress and faces resistance. The more we face difficult situations and push on through the pain the stronger our minds become and better able to handle not just the situation at hand but even more able to handle struggles we will face in the future.

    We are born to face opposition. And we are also born with the power to overcome that same opposition. We just have to learn to push on though struggle.

Brother Tremikus

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Butterfly Effect

    Life is filled with struggle and we are filled with the ability to overcome every struggle we face. No human being wants to struggle, but the truth is the easy road keeps us stagnant and dependent on others, not just for our everyday needs, but for the advancement of our future goals and accomplishments.

    I read a story once about a man who was watching a butterfly struggling to come out of it's cocoon, he decided to help by taking a small blade and cutting the cocoon open and of course this helped the butterfly to emerge much quicker. The man smiled at his great accomplishment of helping this struggling creature emerge. But the butterfly never flew away, it's wings never fully unfolded and it just crawled around for a while and eventually died. The poor man didn't realize that the process of struggling to come out of the cocoon was needed for the little butterfly to strengthen his wings and begin his new life after it's transformation from a lowly crawling creature to something more beautiful that would soar above it's former life.

    The struggles that we face in our lives are designed to give us the strength to soar above our past into greater success. We are born in this world not just to eat, sleep, work 9 to 5 and die. We were all born to produce greatness to make manifest our great gifts and inspire the world to be a better place. But struggle is necessary if we are going to reach or great purpose of our lives.

Push on through the struggle.
Brother Tremikus