Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Blood Creates New Life

    I hear many people say these words "I need a change in my life" Including myself. The question is How can you began a new life without new blood? What is blood? In a nutshell, Blood is the river of life and the way that  all cells of our body get both nutrients and oxygen. So it is safe to say blood is the fuel of life. Now think of this blood on a higher level, imagine your thoughts and ideas as the river of life for your current situation. This includes everything you have ever learned and believed and ultimately what we have done based on these ideas. Our lives have become the direct result of our thinking.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results.

   When we want a change in our lives it means that we have to CHANGE OUR LIVES. So to change our lives we will have to change our thoughts. This becomes the hard part, because it involves every relationship we have ever had and the change of that relationship based on the new direction we want to go. Imagine a drug addict wanting to kick their addiction but attempting to do so while still hanging out with other drug addicts in the dope house. We would not expect that person to be successful unless they left that environment and found sober individuals in a sober environment.

What are you feeding your mind with? What kind of people are you interacting with? What is the bases of your relationships past and present? Your answers to these questions will give you a window into your future. Doctors don't go to school with mechanics and intern at body shops and vice versa. If you want to be a doctor then you must go to medical school and intern at a hospital. I do not intend to over simplify what I am writing, but instead to make the reader consider the path we should take for the change we are wanting to achieve.

Every step towards change is difficult there is now easy route. Those around us will misunderstand and judge us based on their misunderstanding of us. But this is the necessary pain of change. No new life comes into the world without pain. Any mother knows the pain of labor and when we are trying to change to a new life it is like giving birth and the pain is the same, the child goes through pain being born the same as the new idea itself has its own pain tied to it. Even the old you dying goes through pain. These are three stages of change we experience when we want a "New Life" all fueled by a new idea, that intern produces a new thought then a total change. Do you accept the challenge?

Just remember we have to Push on through Struggle.

Brother Tremikus

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