Saturday, January 4, 2014

Answering the Call

I've tried to keep this blog "Non-Religious", but in dealing with this next subject it is unavoidable. This is because the very root of the term Calling, in the sense of one’s "Vocation", is found in Christianity. According to Wikipedia: Vocation (Latin vocātiō―a call, summons) is an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which he or she is suited, trained, or qualified. There are many different types of calls. But the one that we want to focus on in this writing involves the full development of a man or woman into that which makes their life make more meaningful and fits their purpose for being.
When we hear the word passion, we normally associate it with sex or romance or even sports. We say “she was passionate in bed or he has a passion for football, we could feel the passion of the movie”. But true passion is beyond lust or material things. It is what drives our being and every day existence to achieve our goals in life. Laziness is a sure fire way to lead a life void of the God-given passion we are born with. This is because that passion has to be accessed and in order for a person to truly access their passion they have to struggle against their own self and the weaknesses of self. It is an uphill road in a world that has trained us to take the easy way out. Talking books take away from us the desire to read, fast food restaurants replace the desire to learn to cook good healthy meals and the list goes on and on. We have been robbed of our desire. And this has led to the loss of our passion. Many of us have no idea why we have come into the world and very little desire to find out. So we find ourselves always searching for happiness in things, people, drugs and sex. When true and permanent joy can only be found when we know what we are born in the world to do and are doing it. Now in finding "our" passion and responding to our calling.. We have to know that The Call is not something that comes from without but it comes from within.
How do we fit in the world? What is our place? Why am I here? The answer to these questions are found within ourselves, in every one of us is our "fit." But it is buried underneath everything that has happened to us and things we may have done to make us believe we are unfit for anything above an average existence. It is what allows us to call ourselves "a ratchet," "a bad bitch," "a nigga," "a beast." instead of our true identity, which is the manifestation of God and the best of His creation. We are made to reflect on the wisdom of His creation and advance it. We are not born to eat, sleep, have babies and simply die. If we live our lives like this it is no wonder we are on a constant search for happiness because it does not feed the soul. We must desire to do better. Where there is Will Power there is a way.
What is the Will?
Will: "The faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action" - Minister Louis Farrakhan The Free Online Dictionary by Farflex says: fac•ul•ty (f k l-t )n. pl. fac•ul•ties 1. An inherent power or ability. 2. Any of the powers or capacities possessed by the human mind. See Synonyms atability. 3. The ability to perform or act. The "Will" is the power of God hidden within every human being that drives us to achieve our goals and it reveals to us in this process why we were born into the world. The stronger our wills become the closer we are to our own Creative Force and the Source of Our Life which will bring us into harmony with our purpose for living. It is internal not external. "Desire feeds the will" - Minister Louis Farrakhan Passion and desire are twins, both involve suffering and longing for something or wanting something. The more we desire something the stronger our passion becomes to get it. We become more willing to meet our goal and answer our calling no matter the difficulty. Try it. Focus on something that you desire of good, start small then build your desire and watch yourself bring it into fruition. When it becomes real in your life it will bring you joy and happiness. Then move on to a larger goal. This is how we build our will and reconnect to our purpose. Step by Step.

What do you want out of life that will benefit all of humanity? What are you willing to go through to prove your birth into this world was no accident? Well prove your worth! Strengthen your will then show the world the extreme power locked away in you that we are all waiting to witness.
Just remember to keep pushing on through the struggle!

Brother Tremikus

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